Sunday, November 3, 2013

life on an islnad !

its been some time and I haven't been on this thing, but life down here on the island is great! I get to watch the sunrise and sun set every day jest like back on the trail. but I still miss the trail and my trail family every day. this past week one of them came to visit for a few days on her way down to Miss, and this winter we will be gitting to gather for a hike in KY at all smiles home so I cant wate for that till next time keep on keepen on happy trails

Sunday, March 17, 2013

island life

well this time last year i was about to start my hike and as much as i wish i was doing it agen this yrear but this year i have difernt plans . right now i find my self liveing on an island in the Chesapeake bay working for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation doing evro ed work . there are no hills down here to walk over but i think i might like the flat land life for a year or so because i still spend most of my day outside in a canoe or on are big work boat. till next time keep on keepen on happy trails Wiffle Ball